Thursday 24 January 2013

Record Companies and Magazine Publishers

Record companies

Domino Records have signed the Arctic Monkeys who we closely compare ourselves (Nostalgia) with. They tend to sign artists which fit into our genre of music (Indie)  such a Franz Ferdinand, The Magnetic Fields and Villagers and so we think that Domino records would be appropriate to be singed with as they are already familiar with artists which are similar to us and so they can bring out the best in our music. They have been very successful in the rise of the Arctic Monkeys which we hope they would be able to do with Nostalgia. The image which Domino Records shows is also very similar to the artists which they sign for example their logo also uses only black and white which is also commonly shown in the logo's of indie artist and band logos and also in Nostalgia's logo.

Island Records are also a label which we think will be appropriate to sign with as they are also familiar with indie artists and can cater for our needs and music. They have also signed very successful artists such as Florence and the Machine, Mumford and Sons, The Feeling and The Fratellis. These artists fit into Nostalgia's genre which shows that Island records can also cater for our needs. However Island Records sign a range of artists in different genres which can also be useful to Nostalgia as they can get us across to multiple audiences not just people who are into indie music. This is helpful to widen our audience appeal.

Magazine Publishers
Bauer Media has many magazine and reaches out to a range of audiences both to male and females for example Kerrang, Heat, FHM, and Grazia. The magazines which Bauer Media publishes that we think would be appropriate for us is maybe Heat magazine, however its not only about music in these magazines and so we dont think that they would be able to make Nostalgia reach out to everyone.

IPC Media we think would be more appropriate as they publish magazines such as NME who are very involved with indie artsist and bands and are all about music. They reach over to whopping1.1 million music fans every week. They specificallly cater for indie artists so we think that they would be more suitable to get our music out there as for us its mainly about the music not the image. NME is also one of the world's biggest standalone music site serving an intensely engaged audience of 16-24 year-olds which is also around the same target auidence which Nostalgia also aims at.

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