Wednesday 23 January 2013

Research - Target Audience

Q magazine
  • Q readers are affluent – 68% are ABC1 and have high disposable income.
  • Q’s audience is younger and more affluent than any other music monthly. 97% of readers rate Q as a quality magazine. In research it outperforms competitors on measures such as best interviews, writing and awards winning photography.
  • Q has a extremely high brand influence score of 73%, greater than both GQ and Esquire. This means that Q influences the people that have strongest influence in their social groups – a real multiplier effect for advertisers to cash in on.
NME Magazine


Nostalgia Reader profile

 These would be Nostalgia’s ideal fans, young, stylish very outgoing and attending festivals and live gigs about 2-4 times every month.
·         For them it’s about the music and how it makes them feel, it’s not about the image. On average they spend about £2800 on music gear or equipment. Music is there main passion.
·         Nostalgia readers tend to be the most stylish in their group. They don’t follow the crowds, they lead it.
·         They like to live in the moment without a worry in the world and like to see what the future holds for them. They’re independent and outspoken with a very confident personality.
·         They also feel that their own image is important and is a reflection of their personality and spend a lot of time on their appearance and on average spend about £3000 on clothes and accessories every year.
·         Most of Nostalgias fan base are males however there is also a big female following. 54% are males and 46% females with an age range of 15-29.
The Festivals which you would see Nostalgia playing at and they’re fans would go to would be Reading and Leeds and also at Glastonbury.

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